Celestite Concentrate
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Celestite concentrate is a pure form of celestite with a high strontium content plus fewer chemical impurities and water. It is the ideal material for every application that requires high amounts of Sr as it typically contains more than 90% of strontium. It holds other valuable physical and chemical properties. For instance, the chemical is a powder or lump with a Mohs hardness of 3 to 3.5 and a specific gravity of 3.95 to 4.0. Its colors range from pale blue to white. It cannot dissolve in water. It has a melting point of 1610°C and is thermally stable up to about 700°C. Each celestite concentrate manufacturer produces this chemical using specific methods and regards specific factors for classifying it, such as the strontium content, the level of impurities, and its physical shape.
Iran Celestine Co. is a reputable partner in manufacturing celestite concentrate. The company maintains well-connected access to various celestine mines in different regions, such as the Behbahan celestine mine, the Dehloran celestite mine, and the Semnan celestine mine. Iran Celestine Co. also owns advanced factories and a powerful logistics unit that allows the company to provide 100,000 tons of celestine annually. It means Iran Celestine Co., as a prominent celestite concentrate supplier, is able to offer celestite concentrate in a wide range of grades and purity levels. If you’re interested to find out more about the company’s products and pricing, please navigate to About Us.
What is Celestite Concentrate?
Celestine, often known as Celestite, is a mineral made of strontium sulfate (SrSO4). The mineral’s name refers to its sporadic, delicate blue hue. Strontium, frequently used in fireworks and metal alloys, is mainly obtained from the celestine. It is a versatile mineral involved in many industrial sectors. As such, celestite manufacturers provide the chemical in various grades based on its form, particle size, and purity level. One of its pure forms is named celestite concentrate. There are many celestine mines around the world, and each producer that establishes a more powerful connection with these mines can present a more reliable outcome. It is vital to note that Iran celestite concentrates with a high purity level, compared to other available products in the market, is usually produced using Iran’s celestine mines, such as Semnan celestite mines, Dehloran celestine mine, and Behbahan celestite mine.
Mineral concentrates like celestine concentrate, which can be lumpy or powdery in texture, are refined ores from which the majority of waste components have been removed. They are more valuable than raw ores. If they arrive with moisture levels higher than their transportable moisture limit, they could liquefy (TML). To release the valuable mineral, the ore is frequently crushed and wet-milled in mining processes. This slurry is floated to concentrate it, and the dry mineral concentrate that results is delivered to refineries to make metallic goods. Particle size, mineralogy, and shipping restrictions all affect the kind of filtering apparatus needed. The equipment is sturdy and dependable even in the worst operating conditions, as with all mining activities.
Celestite concentrate is a precious substance mainly formed of strontium sulfate (SrSO4) and usually contains more than 90% strontium. Because of its chemical characteristics, it is a valuable raw material for several industrial processes, including strontium compounds, glass, and ceramics. Celestite concentrate is a powder or lump that ranges in color from pale blue to white, with a Mohs hardness of 3 to 3.5 and a specific gravity of 3.95-4.0. It is insoluble in water. Celestite concentrate is thermally stable up to around 700°C and has a melting point of 1610°C. It can be concentrated using flotation, which involves adding chemicals to a solution of water and finely powdered ore to separate precious minerals from gangue based on variations in their surface characteristics.
Different Grades of Celestite Concentrate
The first thing we must know about grading minerals such as celestite concentrate is that manufacturers typically categorize them for various reasons. Among the main motives is to guarantee that the raw materials used in their goods adhere to strict quality and purity standards. Manufacturers can better manage the quality and consistency of their goods by categorizing chemicals and minerals based on their chemical makeup, physical characteristics, and other properties. It is critical in industries such as medicines and electronics, where the purity and composition of raw materials can substantially impact the finished product’s performance and safety. Also, categorizing these products can assist producers in identifying and selecting the best materials for their goods based on aspects like cost, appropriateness for particular applications, and availability. It also helps customers to find their intended products with reliable chemical and physical properties; it ensures the outcome of every company.
Celestite concentrate suppliers, like producers of other chemicals, use specific factors to classify their factory outcomes. So, it is vital to have a practical guide when purchasing various grades of celestite concentrate. In the following, you may find out more about these factors, namely strontium content, chemical impurities, physical properties, and geographical origin, and how they can be utilized in finding the proper grade for your own industry.
The Strontium Content
An important factor in separating the different grades of celestite concentrate is the amount of strontium present in the mixture. The chemical characteristics and usability of celestite concentrate for various purposes can be significantly influenced by the amount of strontium sulfate. Strontium sulfate content above 97% is expected for the finest-grade celestite concentrate, indicating its outstanding quality and purity. Lower-grade celestite concentrate, on the other hand, may include 90% strontium sulfate or less, indicating a lower level of purity and less applicability for particular uses. The strontium content is a crucial factor in categorizing the various celestite concentrate grades and determining their suitable application in multiple sectors. It is vital to note that every celestite concentrate manufacturer offers its product under specific information that indicates its purity level. Customers must check the strontium content of each product in such a paper and then tend to purchase the intended grade. In certain industrial sectors, applying a high purity level of celestite concentrate will be necessary. Still, pure grades are more costly, so buying the pure option is not always needed.
The Level of Impurities
As mentioned, the mineral’s grades are categorized according to several important factors, including whether or not there are any chemical impurities like calcium, magnesium, barium, or iron. The presence of these chemical contaminants may significantly affect how celestite concentrate performs and whether it is suited for particular applications. For instance, specific grades of the mineral with high iron levels may not be suitable for use in glass production due to high iron’s ability to alter the transparency and color of the glass. Hence, identifying the grade of celestite concentrate and evaluating its suitability for diverse uses require understanding the types and amounts of chemical impurities. The classification of celestite concentrate based on its chemical contaminants plays a crucial role in maintaining consistent quality and performance of the end products in industries where the purity and quality of raw materials are vital, such as electronics, medicines, and glass manufacture.
Geographical Origin
Another vital aspect that may affect the grading of the celestite ore is its geographic origin. Its applicability for particular applications may vary depending on the impurities and physical characteristics of the celestite concentrate produced at various extraction sites. For instance, the contamination levels of celestite concentrate from a specific area can make it more appropriate for a particular sector. Outcomes from another location, however, can be more suitable for a different industry. Moreover, the ore’s geographical origin may affect celestite concentrate’s physical characteristics, such as particle size distribution and specific gravity. As a result, while categorizing celestite ore’s various grades, it is crucial to consider its geographic origin. It enables celestine concentrate manufacturers to select the best quality based on their unique requirements and area of operations.
In this case, it is worth mentioning that Iran Celestine Concentrate is regarded as a pure choice among other possible products available. It is mined from various regional mines, like the Semnan celestine mines, the Dehloran celestite mine, and the Behbahan celestine mine. It is employed in advanced factories to produce celestite concentrate in various grades.
Celestite Concentrate Production Process
Celestite concentrate manufacturing usually entails multiple steps, including mining, crushing, grinding, and flotation. The first step involves extracting celestite ore from the earth, often using surface or underground mining techniques. After extraction, the ore is crushed and ground into tiny particles using various crushing and grinding machinery. The flotation process follows crushing the ore with chemicals and water before being stirred to produce a froth that lifts the celestite particles to the surface. The final product is created by skimming off the froth and continuing to process it. The outcome is also involved additional steps like filtration, drying, and packing to produce the necessary grade and form of the mineral suitable for a variety of applications. Then, celestite concentrate suppliers can present the product in the market for its final usage.
Due to various factors, the production of celestite concentrate is a vital stage. The process impacts the outcome’s final properties, such as its purity, particle size, and chemical impurities. It also determines the grades of each product, as it significantly impacts the outcome’s chemical and physical properties. For instance, those products that have undergone a thorough flotation stage contain lesser amounts of chemical impurities, while improper manufacturing may lead to an impure outcome.
First Stage: Mining
Surface or subsurface deposits are the primary sources of celestite. It means our intended mineral must be mined through a careful process. Depending on the location and type of the deposit, the mining process may include several stages. In underground mining, workers drill tunnels and remove the ore from under the surface using powerful machinery. Drills, loaders, and haulage vehicles can move the ore to the surface for additional processing. To access the mineral resources, topsoil, and overburden must be removed. Draglines, shovels, and trucks are among the main pieces of machinery that miners use to extract and move the ore to the processing unit. Following extraction, the ore is crushed and broken into smaller pieces before going through additional processing, including flotation, to produce the celestite concentrate product.
The Second Stage: Crushing and Grinding
Crushing and grinding are the other two stages in the production of celestite concentrate. The celestite ore is taken from the earth and brought to a processing facility for further processing. In order to make the succeeding steps of production more straightforward, the ore is first crushed into smaller pieces. Cone and jaw crushers, among other machinery parts, can be used to accomplish it. The crushed ore is then further processed with grinding apparatus like ball mills or rod mills into smaller particles. The desired grade and use of the finished product are often considered while determining the ground ore’s particle size.
The Third Stage: Flotation
Flotation, which involves separating the celestite particles from the waste material, is another crucial stage in manufacturing celestite concentrate. Usually, a collector agent is added to the ground celestite ore to preferentially adhere to the celestite particles and produce a froth on the flotation cell’s surface. The concentration of celestite particles is then left behind when the waste material, or gangue, is removed from the bottom of the cell. The particle size distribution, pH, as well as the amount and type of collection agent utilized, all have an impact on the concentrate’s quality. The process must be carefully monitored and controlled to produce the desired grade and purity of the end product.
Producing high-quality celestite concentrate in strontium compounds, glass, and ceramic products requires a successful flotation process. Chemical contaminants, which can be eliminated during flotation, can impact the purity and grade of the finished product. The flotation procedure is tailored to the ore’s unique characteristics and the finished product’s desired attributes. After being created, the celestite concentrate is typically dried and packaged for customer delivery. It is worth mentioning that the manufacturing of celestite concentrate necessitates a complete comprehension of the mineral’s properties and careful control of each stage of the production process to reach the appropriate quality and standards for the finished product.
Celestite Concentrate Applications
Celestite Concentrate is of interest in many industrial sectors because it contains high amounts of strontium and fewer chemical impurities and water. It is a more pure form of celestite compared to other available grades offered in an unconcentrated form. As a result, many customers decide to purchase the concentrated form of the product due to the fact that this option may save many transportation costs.
Celestite concentrate finds applications in various industries because of the strontium content in the mineral. So, it is crucial to find out more about strontium sulfate as the main ingredient of celestite. Strontium sulfate, with the chemical formula SrSO4, is the strontium sulfate salt. It appears in nature as the mineral celestine and is a white crystalline powder. In water, it dissolves at a rate of 1 part in 8,800. It is significantly more soluble in alkali chloride than in diluted HCl, nitric acid, and HCl solutions. The chemical plays a significant role in several industries since it is a naturally occurring precursor to more valuable strontium compounds. It is transformed into nitrate for pyrotechnics and carbonate as a ceramic precursor in the industrial setting. In operations where these ions come into contact, strontium sulfate’s limited water solubility can cause scale development. For instance, depending on the groundwater conditions, it may develop on the equipment surfaces of underground oil wells.
You can read more about celestite concentrate applications in the following.
In the Production of Strontium Compounds
Strontium is a chemical element with the atomic number 38 and the symbol Sr. It is a soft, silver-white, yellowish metallic element, an alkaline earth metal with solid chemical reactivity. Similarly to its two vertical neighbors in the periodic table, barium and calcium, strontium exhibits physical and chemical characteristics. It is mainly obtained from the minerals celestine and strontianite found naturally. Celestine occurs substantially more commonly in deposits large enough for mining.
Celestite concentrate is regarded as a pure source of strontium. As a result, It can be involved in producing many strontium compounds, such as strontium carbonate and silicate. These chemicals function in several industries, such as ceramics and glass-making. Celestite concentrate is also applied in synthesizing strontium chromate, strontium oxide, and strontium nitrate. They operate in a number of sectors, such as ferrite magnets, pyrotechnics, and fireworks.
In the Glass Industry
Every drinking vessel is referred to as “glass” in general; lead-free crystal and crystal are also subcategories of this term. In its basic form, glass is made by melting sand, soda, ash, and limestone at very high temperatures. It costs less to make glass with just these ingredients than crystal or lead-free crystal, but it is bulky, heavy, and breakable. The same elements as glass are found in “crystal,” but it must also contain at least 24% lead. Although the lead component is relatively conventional, it also raises the price of the final product. Lead generally makes crystal more delicate and adds weight to the glass, making it heavier in general.
Lead is replaced in “lead-free crystal” by materials including barium oxide, zinc oxide, and magnesium oxide. These lead substitutes are lighter and offer more strength and flexibility. It is interesting to know that celestite concentrate is also utilized in the glass industry to make lead-free glass since it substitutes lead in manufacturing. It can help to produce glass with improved properties.
In the Production of Ceramic Materials
Celestite concentrate functions in the ceramics industry as two vital components, fillers and coatings. Coatings have been used to protect the surface of the metal substrate from oxidative, thermal, or chemical corrosion by covering it with a thin, dense layer of ceramic material. Ceramic fillers, on the other hand, are another material that provides high thermal conductivity and electrical insulation. The electronic packaging business seeks this confluence of intriguing features. These two components are utilized in producing various ceramic materials, like tiles, tableware, and sanitary ware.
Other Applications
Celestite concentrate suppliers provide this substance for other applications. It has also been used to make welding rods, drilling muds, and pigments for the oil and gas industry. Celestite concentrate is also a significant mineral product on the international market because of its adaptability and wide range of applications.
About Iran Celestine Co.’s Celestite Concentrate
With more than 40 years of industry expertise, Iran Celestine Co. is a renowned manufacturer of celestite concentrate. The manufacturing of celestite deposits, which they get from abundant mines in Ahvaz, Semnan, and Ilam in Iran, is their primary goal. They provide their customers with the highest grade celestite, with a production capacity of over 100,000 tons per year and purity levels ranging from 80%, 85%, and 90%. Iran Celestine Co. has also built large warehouses in prime areas like Semnan, Ilam, Kohkiloye, and Ahvaz. To successfully handle and store their products, they are supplied with state-of-the-art equipment. The 30,000 square meter Bandar Abbas warehouse features a celestine concentrate production workshop with a 50,000-ton yearly production capacity. It lets the company be the first to export Iran celestite to major markets like China and Canada.
Notably, Iran Celestine Co. has established a new benchmark in the production of celestite concentrate thanks to cutting-edge equipment, a solid logistical system, and access to celestite-rich mines. With the help of this network, this Iran celestite concentrate supplier is able to provide different grades of the chemical to companies from all over the globe, as well as other minerals like strontium silicate and strontium carbonate. They are able to provide their clients with multiple grades of celestite concentrate with different amounts of strontium in various forms. Furthermore, Iran Celestine Co. makes sure that its products are delivered to consumers safely worldwide thanks to a strong packing and logistics operation. Customers can contact the backup team for more information about the products and pricing.
Celestite concentrate is a pure source of strontium (Sr) with fewer amounts of chemical impurities than other celestite grades. It holds superior chemical properties that make it a reliable choice for industries in demand of celestite-containing products high in strontium. There are various ways of classifying this mineral, including the amount of strontium, the physical appearance, chemical impurities, and the region in which the product was mined. The production of this chemical is a crucial variable that determines these parameters and leads to obtaining various grades of celestite concentrate. The process usually includes mining the celestite deposits, crushing and grinding the outcome, and purifying it by various methods, such as flotation. After going through the manufacturing process, our intended mineral is ready to be applied in various industrial sectors. It usually functions as a high source of strontium in producing several strontium compounds, namely strontium silicate, carbonate, nitrate, and oxide.

Strontum Sulphate
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Strontum Sulphate
Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Eos dolor at voluptatibus quae quisquam illum ipsam nihil qui doloribus officia. Ducimus corporis culpa aspernatur cupiditate enim aut quisquam ratione dolor.Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur ....